Page 32 - May 2017
P. 32

Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute

                                                         VITAS HEALTHCARE OF                                     VITAS HEALTHCARE
                                                           BROWARD COUNTY                               OF DADE AND MONROE COUNTIES
                 South Florida's
                                             Karla Martinez, BSN                                   Yesica Yabor, ARNP
             Healthcare Newspaper
                                              “A VITAS patient’s daughter called                     “My mother was diagnosed with
                   PO Box 812708
              Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708      after her mother passed and said that                 terminal cancer and was under
                Phone: (561) 368-6950        she would be ‘forever indebted’ to me                 VITAS’ exceptional care. I personally
                                             for my role in her caregiving. There’s                know the importance of getting the
                                             nothing more rewarding than                           right people when dealing with end-
                      Website:               that.”—VITAS   Healthcare  of                         of-life issues.”— VITAS Healthcare of
   Broward County Admissions Nurse                       Dade-Monroe Nurse Practitioner
                                             Karla Martinez, BSN                                   Yesica Yabor, ARNP
                   CHARLES FELIX              Karla started with VITAS in 2007                       When Yesica joined VITAS
                    CAROL FELIX              as a continuous care nurse and has                    Healthcare in 2014, she knew that
                     Publishers              since been promoted to admissions                     hospice was the right specialty for
                                             nurse. She educates patients and                      her. She wanted to use her skills to
                   NANCY LAMMIE              families about hospice care, including spiritual and social services  help patients and families as they struggled with making end-of-
                       Editor                support.  “When I joined VITAS, it was a job. But I fell in love  life care decisions.
                                             with the one-on-one interaction with patients and families. Being  “When people come to us, they are confused and frightened. To
                    JUDY GRAMM               able to step in when families most need help is amazing. There  be able to help them understand their options, give them clarity
             Editorial Manager & Webmaster   aren’t too many jobs that allow you to do that!” said Karla.  and finally, just listen to their concerns is very rewarding,” said
                                              “Karla is an important part of our team. She is an exceptional  Yesica.
                   JMC GRAPHICS              nurse, and treats patients with great compassion and care,” said  “Yesica is a gifted and dedicated nurse. A valuable member of
                    Art/Production           VITAS of Broward General Manager Donna Borland.       our team, she goes above and beyond for our patients and fami-
                                                                   lies,” said VITAS of Dade-Monroe Senior General Manager Beatriz
                    412-835-5796                                                                   “Betty” Bel.
                                             Lawrence “Larry”
              CONTRIBUTING WRITERS           McDermott, RN, CHPN
                     Lisa Bianco                                                                              VITAS HEALTHCARE OF
                   Daniel Casciato            “In most nursing specializations,                               PALM BEACH COUNTY
                    Vanessa Orr              a patient’s passing is seen as failure.
                    Lois Thomson             In hospice, instead of fighting a ter-
                                             minal diagnosis we help ease pain                     Denese Fullwood, LPN
                                             and try to make dying a peaceful
                                             process.”— VITAS Healthcare of
                                                                                                     “There is no better feeling than
               LOOK FOR OUR                  Broward Patient Care Advocate                         being able to help someone who is in
                 NEXT ISSUE                  Lawrence “Larry” McDermott, RN,                       pain and needs support. For me,
                    IN JUNE                   Larry is a problem solver at heart                   being able to offer patients and their
                                             and by training. Having joined                        families both compassion and infor-
                 TO REACH US                                                                       mation is very fulfilling.”—VITAS
                                             VITAS in 1990, Larry has applied his wide array of nursing skills  Healthcare of Palm Beach LPN
                       FOR                   in different roles—from team manager to patient care advocate—  Denese Fullwood
                 ADVERTISING                 to serve patients and families.                         Denese joined VITAS Healthcare in
                                              “Listening to people’s problems with compassion and patience
                 OR EDITORIAL                                                                      2002 as a CNA in Broward. She has
                                             is very important,” said Larry. “Easing their concerns is a reward-  since been promoted and serves
                 Call (561) 368-6950         ing part of my job.”  “There’s a reason why Larry has received  patients and families as an LPN in Palm Beach.
                     or e-mail               multiple awards at VITAS,” said VITAS of Broward General  Denese is passionate about providing exemplary care to hospice
                                             Manager Susan Acocella. “He has served our patients and families
                                                       patients. “Working for VITAS allows me to make a difference in
                                             with dedication and skilled care for many years.”
                                                                                                   people’s lives every day. I am at the patients’ bedsides, taking care
                                                                                                   of them, being the eyes and ears for the attending doctors and a
                                                                                                   shoulder to lean on for the families,” said Denese.
               SUBSCRIPTIONS                              VITAS HEALTHCARE                           “Denese is an excellent nurse. She cares deeply for her termi-
                                                OF DADE AND MONROE COUNTIES                        nally ill patients and understands the complexities of caring for
                  One Year $40
                                                                                                   them,” said VITAS General Manager Diana Smith.
                  Two Years $60
                                             Tricia Sorol, RN
                 Three Years $75                                                                   Kurt Buzek, RN
                                              “My young daughter sees how
                   To subscribe,             happy I am to help patients and                         “When I started working as a
                                             their families cope with a terrible                   nurse, I saw people die alone in the
                call (561) 368-6950          situation. She hopes her job can                      ER. That had a huge impact on me
               or subscribe online at        bring her as much joy.”—VITAS                         and I started volunteering at a local
      Healthcare of Dade-Monroe RN                          hospice and there, I found my call-
                                                                                                   ing.”—VITAS Healthcare of Palm
                    ____________             Tricia Sorol
                                              Tricia joined VITAS Healthcare                       Beach County RN Kurt Buzek.
                                             in 2007. “For me, it was a calling,”                    Kurt’s volunteer work impressed
               All rights reserved. Reproduction                                                   upon him how much terminally ill
               in whole or part without written   she said.Today, she works with
            permission prohibited. Copyright © 2017.  VITAS patients, who reside at the            patients needed compassionate sup-
                                             Palace Assisted Living Facility in                    port and guidance. So he joined
                                             Kendall, FL. Along with assessing                     VITAS Healthcare in 2002.
                                             and meeting patient needs, Tricia oversees the CNAs serving the  “I go to patients in crisis. Being able to calm their fears, deal
                                             facility.                                             with their confusion and offer medical assistance, is very reward-
              Don’t forget to include         “As stressful as it can be, I enjoy being able to support patients  ing. I know that in most cases, the patient and family feel helped
                                             and their families, answer questions and offer solace during this  and supported after I have spent time with them,” said Kurt.
           South Florida Hospital News                                                               “Kurt’s experience and skills make him an asset to our team. He
                                             tough process,” said Tricia.
               & Healthcare Report            “Tricia is a compassionate and consummate professional. She is  brings comfort and exemplary care to his patients and their fam-
              in your Marketing Plans        deeply invested in helping patients and families as they make dif-  ilies,” said VITAS General Manager Diana Smith.
                                             ficult decisions about end-of-life care,” said VITAS of Dade-
          Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit  Monroe Senior General Manager Beatriz “Betty” Bel.

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