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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                   GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER                                                  WEST BOCA MEDICAL CENTER

        Clare McKinlay, RN                                                        Susan Feldman, BSN
          Clare McKinlay has been an OB nurse at Good                               Seeing kids happy and healthy is what makes Susan
        Samaritan Medical Center for nearly 13 years. Clare has                   Feldman smile. The pediatric nurse has been taking care
        almost 50 years of experience in nursing and loves every                  of children at West Boca Medical Center for the past 14
        aspect of her job. She worked as a midwife in her native                  years. She loves how resilient and upbeat kids are, and it’s
        Scotland for 35 years before coming to Florida. She fig-                  that attitude that allows the children to flourish once
        ured out at a very young age that she wanted to be a                      they’re discharged. She credits her fellow nurse co-work-
        caregiver after her father was hospitalized. Clare loves                  ers as a big reason why she’s so successful and has her pos-
        the team first attitude as to why she enjoys being a part                 itive attitude. One of Susan’s most memorable moments at
        of the OB unit. In fact, she flew her daughter in from                    West Boca was when she cared for a child who had to
        Scotland so she could have her baby at Good Samaritan                     spend an entire summer in the hospital. Upon his dis-
        Medical Center, something she said was an amazing                         charge, the staff pitched in and surprised him with all new
        experience to witness. Something she has become pas-                      school supplies and clothes for the upcoming school year.
        sionate about is her volunteer work as a sexual assault                   It took an enormous burden off the family, and to this day,
        nurse, which she has been doing for the past five years.                  Susan is still in touch with the family and their son who is
                                                                                  now an adult.
        Carlos Lacayo, RN, BSN
                                                                                  Tracey Brown, BSN, MBA/MHA
          “When you’re making a difference in people’s lives,
        that is the biggest impact you can possibly have on                         West Boca Medical Center’s Tracey Brown is dedicated to
        someone.” Those are the words of Carlos Lacayo, R.N.,                     her career as a nurse. She was caring for people even before
        B.S.N., who has been a nurse on staff at Good Samaritan                   she was actually an RN. Growing up, Tracey tended to her
        Medical Center for the past year. Not only does Carlos                    ailing great grandmother at home, and as Tracey got older,
        enjoy making an impact on his patients, but he loves the                  she wanted to work in a profession where she could show
        interaction and getting to know them on a personal level                  compassion and help people. Nursing offered the perfect
        too. Carlos enjoys the” team first” mentality of being a                  opportunity. Tracey was also a part of the team that helped
        nurse, where everyone who cares for the patients shows                    design and work on the layout of the recent free standing
        a real interest in the health and well-being of seeing them               emergency department that West Boca Medical Center
        get better. Carlos is a graduate of Miami-Dade College                    built in Coconut Creek. One of her most memorable
        and has a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. He is current-                moments on the job was when she took care of a young
        ly getting his Masters in Nursing at Nova Southeastern                    child who was a patient in the hospital. Tracey gave him
        University.                                                               some crayons and paper and he ended up drawing a pic-
                                                                                  ture of her. To this day, Tracey has it framed on her wall.


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