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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                                                               PLAZA HEALTH NETWORK

              PLAZA HEALTH NETWORK ADMINISTRATION                                                           SINAI PLAZA

        Ann-Lynn Denker, PhD, ARNP                                                Milyn Caasi, RN, BSN

          Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker is the Chief Clinical Officer for                    Milyn Caasi is the Director of Nursing at Sinai Plaza
        Plaza Health Network.                                                     Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, a 150-bed facility
          Dr. Denker is a nurse educator, nursing consultant and                  located in Miami. With over 25 years of acute care nursing
        health policy expert with extensive experience in clinical                experience, she has worked in Jackson Health System's
        practice, education and research. She serves on the Board                 ortho-neuro rehab unit, as a clinical care coordinator at
        of the Health Council of South Florida and is the director                North Shore Medical Center, and nurse manager at the
        of the Florida Action Coalition (Future of Nursing)                       Miami Jewish Health System. At Sinai Plaza, she is a nurse
        statewide grant to develop leadership and diversity. A for-               advocate, role model, and expert clinician empowering fel-
        mer president of the Florida Nurses Association, Dr.                      low nurses to advance their education while she completes
        Denker also served for five years on the Florida Board of                 her Master’s Degree in Nursing. She is an active member in
        Nursing and is immediate past chair. She currently teaches                Miami chapter of the Florida Association of Directors of
        graduate students at the Barry University School of                       Nursing Administration (FADONA).
          Dr. Denker is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with B.S.N. and M.N. degrees  Cherissa Lim Agra, RN
        from the University of Florida, and a Ph.D. in nursing from the University of Miami.
                                                                                   Cherissa Lim Agra is the Assistant Director of Nursing
        Claudia Innocent, FN, MSN                                                 at Sinai Plaza Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Cherissa
                                                                                  has over 14 years of nursing experience and began her
          Claudia Innocent is the Director of Clinical Excellence                 career as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) at Lindsey
        for Plaza Health Network. In her role, she is responsible                 Hopkins Vocational School. She then completed her
        for driving the development, implementation and evalua-                   Associate of Science nursing degree at Excelsior College.
        tion of operations and strategic initiatives designed to                  She began at Sinai Plaza as a staff nurse in the long-term
        enhance the quality of patient care. Innocent played a piv-               care unit before ascending to her current leadership role
        otal role in all seven of Plaza Health Network’s centers                  where she also serves as an infection control nurse. Under
        receiving recent national recognitions, accreditations and                her leadership, Sinai Plaza received the Providigm
        awards for quality and performance excellence. She also                   National Embracing Quality Award.
        ensures that all the PHN facilities maintain 5-star staffing
        and provide telehealth medicine and in-house dialysis                                             JACKSON PLAZA
          Innocent is the current president of the Miami chapter
        of the Florida Association of Directors of Nursing                        Vladimir Cantero, RN, BSN
        Administration (FADONA) and also serves the community as a member of the Haitian
        Nurses’ Association.                                                       Vladimir Cantero is the Director of Nursing at Jackson
          She received her Master of Science in Nursing in 2004, and her Bachelor of Science in  Plaza Nursing and Rehabilitation, a 120-bed facility locat-
        Nursing in 2003, from the University of Phoenix.
                                                                                  ed in Miami. He began his career at Jackson Plaza as a cer-
                                                                                  tified nursing assistant. In his role, he oversees a team of
                             SOUTH POINTE PLAZA                                   nurses that provide subacute rehabilitation and restorative
                                                                                  care to patients. A graduate of the Instituto Politencio
                                                                                  Salud of Cienfuegos, Cuba, Vladimir also attended Mattia
        Richelle Retener, RN, BSN, DON                                            College in Miami, Florida. He has over 30 years of experi-
                                                                                  ence in the field of health care, 18 of which have been
          Richelle Retener is the Director of Nursing at South                    spent in the skilled nursing care field.
        Pointe Plaza Nursing and Rehabilitation and Nursing
        Center, a 230-bed facility located in Miami Beach. Richelle               Sabine Moise, RN
        began her career in long term care in 2007 as a MDS coor-
        dinator and assistant to the nursing director before step-                 Sabine Moise is the Assistant Director of Nursing at
        ping into her own nursing leadership role at South Pointe                 Jackson Plaza Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She
        Plaza in 2012. Under Richelle’s leadership, South Pointe                  began her career at Jackson Plaza as a registered charge
        Plaza has achieved a five star CMS rating and she has guid-               nurse in 2002 when she first moved to Florida from
        ed her team to collectively elevate their patients’ experi-               Connecticut. In 2011, she received her Associate Degree in
        ences. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in                   Nursing from Broward College. Sabine is part of the lead-
        Nursing and advanced practice registered nursing (ARNP)                   ership team that led Jackson Plaza to receive advanced
                                                                                  QAPI accreditation and the Providigm National
                                                                                  Embracing Quality Award, an achievement attained by
        Farah Claude, RN, ADON                                                    only 300 skilled nursing facilities in the U.S. and Ontario,
          Farah Claude is the Assistant Director of Nursing at
        South Pointe Plaza Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
        Since 2003, she has worked in many capacities at South                               AVENTURA PLAZA
        Pointe including floor nurse, charge nurse, staff educator,
        risk manager, wound care nurse and nurse supervisor                       Rebecca Mendoza, RN
        before stepping into her current leadership role. She is a
        respected advocate on behalf of her patients and col-                      Rebecca Mendoza is the Director of Nursing for
        leagues and is often praised for her outstanding dedica-                  Aventura Plaza Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, a 86-
        tion, compassion, and loyalty. Farah is a key member of                   bed facility located in North Miami Beach. She has spent
        the leadership team that helped South Pointe Plaza                        the last 13 years in this role, working closely with her team
        achieved Advanced QAPI accreditation.
                                                                                  to optimize the care of every patient, including her own
                                                                                  parents who recently were patients at the nursing center.
                                                                                  Rebecca was recognized as the 2005 Nursing Director of
                                                                                  the Year. She is also an active servant leader at St.
                                                                                  Bartholomew Church. She received her Bachelor of
                                                                                  Science in Nursing from the University of Santo Tomas,
                                                                                  Manila in the Philippines.

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