Page 107 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 107

Terrorism is the spreading of terror, as the name indicates. It could be spread, just by
                frightening  the  other,  either  by  loot  or  killing.

                Terrorism at home has surpassed the latter variety,
                someone killing indiscriminately for pride or power. It

                has taken recourse to slow but sure poisoning of India
                by  a  continuous  ar  of  nerves,  with  our  neighbour

                Pakistan exporting the act by training of unemployed

                The objective of terrorism is to make people run out of the territory. Once terror

                spreads, people run away for cover their own country. Now, new band of terrorists
                have spread hatred wings in other parts of the world. It appears the entire world has to

                work  with  constant  vigil,  tooth  and  nail,  against  the  menace,  before  the  orgy  of
                destruction spree through the length and breadth of the world.

                I think terrorism could be wiped off the scene provided the think-tank of the developed
                and developing world unites for the cause. No country could face the scenario and end

                this plan of destruction.

          6.  My Aim in Life

          My aim in life is to be a teacher and mould the character of thousands of boys and girls.

          Teaching is regarded as one of the noblest profession. My ambition is to do justice to this

          The word “education” is derived from a Latin word which means “draw out”. The main aim

          of education is to draw out or develop the faculties of the mind. A true teacher not only
          teaches a particular subject efficiently but also guides the students to make the best use of

          their faculties. I wish to be a teacher of this type.
          A good teacher can transform fools into wise people and bad people into good ones.

          According to Vishnu Sharma, the author of Panchatantra, a good teacher is one who can
          teach  the  dullest  students.  Vishnu  Sharma  taught  the  three  stupid  sons  of  King

          Amarashakti. During their studies the three princes secured a great deal of wisdom and
          acquired the ability to rule over the kingdom efficiently. My aim is to become a teacher like

          Vishnu Sharma.

          An ideal teacher cultivates good habits and good character so that he can set an example to
          the  students.  A  teacher's  character  has  stronger  influence  on  the  students  than  his

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