Page 111 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 111
Test Paper-2
(Based on Chapters 8 to 15)
1. Complete the following sentences by adding conjunctions given in brackets and add few
words of your own :
(a) Babar was cruel __________ . (but)
(b) I lived in a hostel __________ . (while)
(c) You may go __________ . (if)
(d) Mohan is foolish __________ . (still)
(e) He works hard __________ . (so that)
(f) It was a holiday __________ . (so)
2. Fill in the blanks with verbs in the future perfect tense :
(a) The tailor __________ (stitch) her dress by tomorrow.
(b) The clown __________ (perform) at the circus before the acrobats come in.
(c) The woodcutter __________ (cut) logs of wood before the night sets in.
(d) We hope that the sky __________ (clear) by the time we set out on our journey.
3. Choose the adjectives and write the kinds of adjectives in the given space :
(a) I read in that school. __________ __________
(b) Ashok was a great king. __________ __________
(c) Saif got first position. __________ __________
(d) The Indian Army is brave. __________ __________
(e) Alan likes Kolapuri shoes. __________ __________
(f) I ate all the food. __________ __________
4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs from the brackets :
(a) The cake __________ (tastes, is tasting) delicious.
(b) He __________ (is wishing, wishes) me luck for my rent assignment.
(c) Ganesh __________ (has, is having) a good collection of story books.
(d) Mahesh __________ (forgets, is forgetting) his identity card every second day.
111 Grammar-7