Page 110 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 110
Test Paper-1
(Based on Chapters 1 to 7)
1. Write the subject for the following sentences :
(a) ___________ fight for their freedom.
(b) ___________ writes a letter.
(c) ___________ tells me good stories.
(d) ___________ is a good player.
(e) ___________ won the match.
2. Pick out the pronouns in the following sentences :
(a) I did my homework myself.
(b) I am as old as she.
(c) I have not seen him since 2018.
(d) He loves you more than I.
(e) We were very tired after the match.
(f) They were in the park in the evening.
3. Write the past forms of the following verbs :
lie _____________ learn _____________
run _____________ harm _____________
take _____________ feed _____________
drive _____________ dream _____________
4. Fill in the blanks with verbs in the future perfect tense :
(a) The tailor __________ (stitch) her dress by tomorrow.
(b) The clown __________ (perform) at the circus before the acrobats come in.
(c) The woodcutter __________ (cut) logs of wood before the night sets in.
(d) We hope that the sky __________ (clear) by the time we set out on our journey.
110 Grammar-7