Page 19 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 19

(g)  A flight of steps.                       (h)  A chest of drawers.

                (i)  A swarm of flies/bees.                   (j)  A herd of buffaloes.

                (k)  A shoal of fish.                         (l)  A constellation of stars.

                (m) A pride of lions.                         (n)  A grove of trees.

                (o)  A regiment of soldiers.                  (p)  A choir of singers.

                (q)  A box of tools.                          (r)  A litter of puppies.

          4.  Abstract Noun : An abstract noun is the name of qualities in persons, animals or things.
                It is usually the name of a quality, action or state which we normally cannot see or
                touch, though we can feel them or think of them.

                Examples :     Quality :   kindness, darkness, goodness, honesty, etc.

                                Action :  laughter, hatred, theft, judgement, etc.

                                State :  sleep, death, poverty, childhood, youth, sickness, etc.

           The names of the Arts and Science (e.g., Maths, Grammar, Physics) are also abstract nouns.

          Forms of adjectives; as

                                broad                        breadth

                                brave                        bravery

                                cruel                        cruelty

                                deep                         depth

                                ignorant                     ignorance

                                long                         length

                                true                         truth

          Form of verbs; as

                                choose                       choice

                                expect                       expectation

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