Page 68 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 68

14. Past Tense

          Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous

          The simple past, past continuous and past perfect tenses use different forms of verbs in

          positive, negative and interrogative sentences.

                        Simple past               Past continuous                Past perfect

          Positive      Simple past tense         was/were + ing form            had + past participle form

                        of the verb with          of the verb.                   of the verb.

                        subject.                  Ex. :  He was eating a         Ex . :  He had eaten a candy.

                        Ex. : He ate a candy.     candy.

          Negative  Subject + did not             was/were + not                          had + not +

                        + root form of               + ing form                  past participle form

                        verb.                     of the verb.                   of the verb.

                        Ex. :  He did not eat  Ex. :    He was not eating   Ex. :      He had not eaten a

                        a candy.                  a candy.                       candy.

          Interro-      did + subject +           was/were +subject              Had+ subject

          gative        root form of the          +ing form of the                + past participle form of the

                        verb + ?                    verb + ?                               verb + ?

                        Ex. :  Did he eat a       Ex. :  Was he eating           Ex. :  Had he eaten a candy?

                        candy?                    a candy?

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