Page 97 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 97
think you are? There is no __________ , but even you can." The hare __________
laughter. The hare woke with a start from __________ . But the creature __________ course.
Breathing a sign __________ . But the heavy meal __________ droops. With a careless
__________ tortoise, now half way, _________ he decided to have another snooze before
flashing past the winning post. And smiling __________ spaced by, he fell __________ soon
snoring happily.
2. The Ant and the Grasshopper
One summer afternoon a grasshopper was hopping about in a field. He was singing
_____________. On his way, he met an ant who was _____________. The grasshopper
was lazy fellow. He thought __________ . So, when he saw the ant, he said, "__________ I
trying to collect and store __________ . I can't waste __________ . I think __________ "
said the ant.
The Grasshopper laughed and said, " __________ enough to eat." But the ant went on his
way and __________ months. The grasshopper ________________ for the winter.
When the winter come, the leaves had __________ . The grasshopper had nothing to eat. It
__________. He thought he would die of hungry and cold. On the other __________. He
had a nice and __________ eat. Then the grasshopper ____________ hard when should
97 Grammar-7