Page 95 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 95

20.             Story W                riting
                                     20. Story Writing

          A short story as the name implies, is not a long narrative. Usually, a short story focuses on

          only one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a small number of characters and covers
          a short period of time. Most stories have a well marked beginning, middle and end the most

          important elements of a story are :

          Ø   Plot and time

          Ø   Setting

          Ø   Character

          Ø   Dialogues

             Ÿ   Firstly, an interesting plot is essential for a good story.

             Ÿ   Plan the incidents before beginning.

             Ÿ   Make the beginning as interesting as possible.

             Ÿ   Develop the situations logically.

             Ÿ   Connect every part so that they appear to be linked.

             Ÿ   Make the characters seem true to life.

             Ÿ   Try to give a surprise ending.

             Ÿ   A proverb or idioms may be used in the story.

          Now, read the incomplete story and after this read it completely.

                                                    The Fox and the Crow

                Once upon __________         saw a crow __________        at the tree. She was __________        . She

                wanted to be the piece of__________           from the__________        . So, she said to the crow,

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