Page 98 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 98

21. Paragraph Writing

          A paragraph is a series of sentences elaborating a single thought or idea. The sentences in

          the paragraph are interconnected. Each sentence tells something about the main idea

          developed in the paragraph.

          Characteristics of a Paragraph

                Unity  –        A paragraph should deal with a single thought which is usually introduced

                                by the lead sentence, i.e., the first sentence of the paragraph.

                Order  –        The ideas expressed in the paragraph should be logically arranged and

                                well connected with one another.

                Coherence–  Coherence rafters to the extent to which the flow of ideas in a paragraph

                                is easily understood by the reader. To achieve coherence, then, a writer

                                should show how all of the ideas contained in a paragraph are relevant to

                                the main to pain.

              Ÿ   Choose a topic that you like.

              Ÿ   Arrange the points in a sequential logical way.

              Ÿ   Now, frame sentences around these points and decide a proper lead sentence that

                  would suggest the main theme.

              Ÿ   Form other sentences that develop the central theme.

              Ÿ   Tense of such paragraph is generally Present Tense until the paragraph requires


              Ÿ   After the writing is finished revise the paragraph for corrections.

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