Page 39 - Visual Marketing
P. 39

Why It Works                          really resonated with clients, and  • Recycler magazine ran a cover
                                      it properly positions Expert Laser     story about the contest and the
“I would get so frustrated with       Services as a solution provider.       New York Times called Nathan.
a malfunctioning copier or            The video capitalizes on the
printer,” says Nathan Dube,           anger associated with printer       • The promotional video on
Expert Laser Services social          failures. Since Expert Laser           YouTube has had more than
media engineer. After doing           Services fixes printers, they can       5,000 viewers and continues
a quick Twitter search, Dube          actually address the pain points       to average 5 to 10 views per
found that many people felt           of their clients.                      week.
the same way. They received
videos of printers being tossed      Success Metrics                           Takeaway Tip
off buildings, hunted down in
the woods, or being fed into a     • Expert Laser Services attri-                Contests, especially ones with user-submitted
log splinter. It’s not the num-       butes new business sales to the            videos, can go viral if the subject matter is
ber of entries that matters—it’s      Destroy Your Printer contest.              interesting enough. It’s not the number of
the number of viewers and the         Website traffic boosts include              entries—but how well the contest “speaks”
publicity that the contest gener-     more than 4,000 views of the               to your target audience. Focusing on user-
ated that counts. Dube made a         user videos.                               generated videos expressing frustrations
promotional video that has been                                                  that most people have experienced and that
seen by more than 5,000 visitors                                                 lend themselves to funny interpretation is a
on YouTube. “The bottom line                                                     way to engage not only the contestants but
is we gained new sales,” says                                                    the broader target audience of the contest’s
Michael Carpentier, the com-                                                     product sponsor.
pany’s president, “and a cover
story in Recycler magazine.”
Carpentier says that the contest

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