Page 28 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 28

D emocratizing Entrepreneurship  ◾  7

Figure 1.3  Explore the user’s problem with wider lens before narrowing focus to
have a clear understanding of the problem to solve.

   Once the team has a clear idea of the problem, a wider lens is again used
to form ideas about the various ways the problem could be solved. These
ideas must take the team toward a solution which would be applicable in
the user’s context. As the prototypes are developed and tested with the user,
the idea is further refined toward meeting the needs of the user. Through
many iterations, the team not only moves closer to the solution but also has
an even better understanding of the user’s needs. Through this journey, the
solution, which will be the “minimum viable product,” will be developed
and given to the user, who can then determine if the solution meets the
user’s needs. During this stage, the viability from the business perspective
will also be taken into consideration, which will include, among other fac-
tors, the mechanism of capturing the value (pricing, channels, relationships,
etc.) (Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4  Explore solutions using wider lens before narrowing focus on specific
solution ideas.
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