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Manufacture The Iron Man, an inflatable torso of heat-
     proof latex that would make ironing shirts and tops an
     effortless process. The torso would emit steam via
     thousands of pinholes, which would smooth out creases
     in the garments. The size of torso would also be set by
     steam pressure such that one size fits all.

       29 November 2000
84Open a chain of Monopoly cafés in London. The cafés
     would not be overly accessorised with features from theEditor’s note:
     board game but would simply be located on each street  The chain would
     or station featured in the game and colour coded       maintain a competitive
     accordingly.                                           edge in the café
                                                            market due to the fact
       Chas Bayfield                                        that customers would
       27 November 2000                                     always know where to
                                                            find them. Friends
                                                            could confidently
                                                            arrange to meet at the

                                                            Monopoly Café in Old

                                                            Kent Road or at

                                                            Fenchurch Street

                                                            Station, without ever

                                                            having been there

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