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Launch a language-translation phone line for               Editor’s note:
     international travellers. The traveller would carry one    A live translation
     internationally recognised number specific to their        service for telephone
     native language and the call centre would route their      calls might also prove
     call through to the appropriate translator. Callers would  popular. It would be
     explain what they wanted to say before repeating the       no more complicated
                                                                than a multi-lingual
79translated phrases or handing the phone over to the           call-centre operator
                                                                sitting in on a
                                                                conference call. The

shop assistant, taxi driver or policeman.                       idea need not be

                                                                limited to the

Steve Sargent                                                   translation of foreign
21 November 2000                                                languages –

                                                                grandparents could

80Introduce a premium rate phone-line service to be             use the service to
     manned 24 hours a day by company personnel who would       communicate with
     consider any question and simply answer with a ‘Yes’,      their rather more
     ‘No’ or ‘Please rephrase the question’ to the best of theirstreetwise and slang-
     ability and knowledge. Anyone could call the line and ask  happy grandchildren,
     anything they liked. Although it is possible that          perhaps.
     politicians and chairs of major companies might call, the
service would most likely appeal as a novelty way to

settle arguments or as a lifeline for desperate individuals

in need of guidance but distrustful of telephone psychics.

David Owen
22 November 2000
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