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P. 59

Introduce Pizza Cheese, a foodstuff similar in principle
     to the cheeses containing nuts or fruit that are currently
     available. Pizza Cheese would offer a blend of all the
     ingredients of a pizza topping. One example might be
     mozzarella with tomato, pepperoni and mushrooms. The
     cheese could be cooked on pizza bases or bread to

71create an instant snack.
       Paul Douglas
       11 November 2000
72Launch a language school that also functions as a
     dating agency. Called the International Language of Editor’s note:
     Love, the school would pair up couples who have     Despite being more
     common interests, a mutual attraction and a         cheesey than idea 71,
     complementary desire to learn each other’s language.this will always be a
                                                         favourite. It could
       Sergei Ivanov                                     bring a little of the
       13 November 2000                                  spirit of holiday
                                                         romances to everyday
                                                         life in the city.
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