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Editor’s note:
   If, in addition to the
real time serialisation,

     the extracts were
           published in

   appropriate papers
  (Warhol in New York,

      Orton in London)

                       Serialise classic published diaries such as those by Joe
                       Orton, Andy Warhol or Anne Frank in daily newspapers.
                       The dates of publication should correspond to the date
                       of writing. If the diarist did not make entries for certain
                       days then there would be no publication. The changes in
                       the season and the impact of certain annual events
                       would possibly bring the reader to a much more

only get a unique empathetic appreciation of the diarist’s day-to-day life.

insight into the

writers’ lives over a  David Owen
 period of time but    2 November 2000

could also visit the

same locations on the
           same days,

  potentially meeting

                       Introduce a ratings system for churches. Churches
                       would be evaluated on the sincerity of the worship
                       offered; the warmth of welcome visitors could expect;
                       the church’s active involvement in the local society;
                       crèche facilities and such like. The most dynamic and
                       hospitable places of worship would then be entitled to
                       display their ‘five cross’ rating outside for all to see –

                       thus assisting the spiritually curious, or Christians new

                       to an area, in their choice of church. A detailed ‘Which

                       Church?’ report could be published annually.

                       Revd. Graham Peacock
                       3 November 2000
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