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Establish an official Martian Government, which would Editor’s note:
     initially be based on earth. The government would be  British Euro-sceptics
     genuinely responsible for affairs on Mars such as     might argue that such
     planetary exploration, settlement and commerce. As an an alien government
     internationally coordinated project, the Martian      has been running in
     Government would also serve as a research and         Brussels for some
                                                           years already.
55development tool for experimental political systems
and models of government that may later be employed

on earth to represent whole continents or, ultimately,

the whole planet.

56RupertKaye                                                 Editor’s note:
       20 October 2000                                       If successful, the
                                                             proprietors might well
     Open a supermarket selling only brand names and only    expect their feature
     the top brand name in each product sector. The same     products to be
     shelf space normally employed to display a range of     supplied free of
     competing brands would be filled with just one product. charge by the grateful
     There would be fridges filled with Coke and whole aislesmanufacturer.
     of Heinz beans. Shoppers could vote for the leading
     brands in each sector and food companies would
compete for the status of being selected. The store would

cultivate a brand-name culture, inspiring top-brand

cookbooks or themed brand-name-only dinner parties.

David Owen
21 October 2000
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