Page 47 - 1841126144.pdf
P. 47

Introduce a mobile Internet calorie-counter. Users would   Editor’s note:
     detail everything they eat during the day by selecting     This was one of quite
     from menus on their phone. A program running on a          a few ideas that were
     website would approximate the calories for any food        originally published
     consumed and return a cumulative total. At any point in    as ‘WAP’ applications.
     the day a user could request the total calories remaining  We will probably be
     from their preset maximum target. As they will have been   hitting the
     supplying the site with their exact diet for some time, the‘find/change’ function
                                                                again for the next
47system will be able to suggest foods that could still be      edition of the book –
                                                                looking to update all
                                                                the 3G references.

eaten that day that would help balance their diet.

       Becky Clarke
       9 October 2000

     Launch a company called White Cabs. The drivers of the
     white taxis would be unqualified and currently
     undertaking The Knowledge. White cabs would be
     cheaper than black cabs, but would only be economical
     for passengers who knew the route to their destination,
     which they would have to explain to the driver. Customers
     would benefit from cheaper fares and the drivers would

48benefit from earning a living whilst accelerating their
     learning. The drivers would quickly pick up on short cuts
     and tips that local passengers would pass on. Taxis would
     be sprayed black when the drivers graduated.
Jan Van Mesdag
11 October 2000
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