Page 45 - 1841126144.pdf
P. 45

Allow voters in political elections to cast a vote against
     a candidate. Voters would still have only one vote but
     each ‘against’ vote would nullify a ‘for’ vote. This
     system would give voters who are disenchanted with
     party politics, and perhaps unlikely to vote at all, at
     least the chance to express their feelings about a party

43they really do not want to be in power.
       Brad Sims
       5 October 2000

     Produce emergency gift-kits to be sold in stores or
     vending machines at train stations. The kits would
     comprise a small present or voucher, a card, a pen and a
     stamp. The card designs would be abstract and blank on
     the inside in order to be appropriate for many occasions
     and greetings.

       6 October 2000
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