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P. 57

Design a range of T-shirts which, on a first impression,
     declare the wearer to be a big fan of The USA, Phil
     Collins, Chelsea FC or whatever is declared on the shirt.
     This name or entity would be printed in large letters but
     below it in much smaller lettering would be a
     contradictory message such that an example might

67read: OASIS – I’m not a big fan. The shirts would allow
     brave or perverse individuals to enjoy the ridicule or
     misplaced appreciation of others but then, on closer
     inspection, to shatter their illusions.

       Jim Bolton
       4 November 2000

     Establish an online appointment system for doctors,
     dentists, veterinary surgeons and other practitioners.
     The site would offer patients access to appointment
     books to view available time slots. A preliminary
     questionnaire could be used to prioritise urgent cases
     and brief doctors in advance of seeing the patient. In

68some cases doctors could advise patients by phone or
     email where an actual appointment would not be
     necessary. The system could be centrally maintained
     and franchised to local practices.

       Glennette M. Clark
       8 November 2000
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