Page 136 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 136

The	distinction	between	the	three	icons	represents	the	difference	(and	the	likely
success	or	lack	of	success)	of	a	person	or	business	hoping	to	promote	something
for	sale.	A	charlatan	is	all	talk,	with	nothing	to	back	up	their	claims.	A	martyr	is
all	 action	 with	 plenty	 of	 good	 work	 to	 talk	 about,	 but	 remains	 unable	 or
unwilling	to	do	the	talking.	A	hustler	represents	the	ideal	combination:	work	and
talk	fused	together.

   Being	willing	to	promote	in	an	authentic,	non-sleazy	manner	is	a	core	attribute
of	 microbusiness	 success.	 As	 Elizabeth’s	 story	 illustrates,	 sometimes	 the	 best
hustling	lies	in	creating	a	great	offer	and	getting	people	to	talk	about	it.	In	other
cases,	 you	 want	 to	 have	 as	 many	 of	 the	 right	 kind	 of	 customers	 as	 possible,	 so
there’s	nothing	wrong	with	putting	yourself	forward.

   In	 my	 work,	 the	 hustler	 image	 on	 the	 right	 is	 pretty	 much	 what	 I	 try	 to	 do
every	 day	as	a	writer	and	entrepreneur:	lots	of	creating	and	lots	 of	connecting.
The	connecting	(i.e.,	the	talk)	isn’t	always	directly	related	to	the	work	at	hand—
sometimes	 I’m	 supporting	 other	 people	 with	 their	 hustling—but	 on	 a	 good	 day,
there’s	plenty	of	creating	and	plenty	of	connecting.

   Another	way	to	look	at	it	is

                                Style	without	substance	=	flash

   (Also,	no	one	respects	these	people.)

                             Substance	without	style	=	unknown

   (Everyone	who	knows	these	people	respects	them,	but	not	many	people	know
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