Page 137 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 137

them.)                  Style	with	substance	=	impact


   (This	is	the	goal.)

   When	you’re	first	getting	started	with	a	project,	how	do	you	go	from	martyr	to
hustler?	 It’s	 simple.	 First	 things	 first:	 Take	 the	 time	 to	 make	 something	 worth
talking	about—don’t	be	a	charlatan.	But	then	start	with	everyone	you	know	and
ask	 for	 their	 help.	 Make	 a	 list	 of	 at	 least	 fifty	 people	 and	 divide	 them	 into
categories	 (colleagues	 from	 a	 former	 job,	 college	 friends,	 acquaintances,	 etc.).
As	soon	as	the	project	is	good	to	go,	at	least	in	beta	form,	touch	base	by	sending
them	a	quick	note.	Here’s	a	sample	message:

      Hi	[name],
         I	wanted	to	quickly	let	you	know	about	a	new	project	I’m	working	on.
         It’s	called	[name	of	business	or	project],	and	the	goal	is	to	[main	benefit].

      We	hope	to	[big	goal,	improvement,	or	idea].
         Don’t	 worry,	 I	 haven’t	 added	 you	 to	 any	 lists	 and	 I	 won’t	 be	 spamming

      you,	but	if	you	like	the	idea	and	would	like	to	help	out,	here’s	what	you	can

         [Action	Point	1]
         [Action	Point	2]

         Thanks	again	for	your	time.

   Note	 that	 you’re	 not	 sending	 mass	 messages	 or	 sharing	 anyone’s	 private	 info
with	 the	 world;	 each	 message	 is	 personal,	 although	 the	 content	 is	 largely	 the
same.	You’re	also	not	“selling”	anyone	on	the	project;	you’re	just	letting	people
know	what	you’re	up	to	and	inviting	them	to	participate	further	if	they’d	like	to.
The	 action	 points	 can	 vary,	 but	 they	 should	 probably	 relate	 to	 joining	 a	 contact
list	 (this	 way	 you	 have	 their	 permission	 to	 touch	 base	 with	 them	 further)	 and
letting	other	people	know	about	the	project.

   The	next	step	is	to	incorporate	hustling	into	your	ongoing	regular	work.
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