Page 143 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 143

there’s	 usually	 nothing	 to	 do	 other	 than	 put	 your	 name	 down,	 the	 typical
giveaway	doesn’t	create	much	real	engagement.	For	the	best	results,	experiment
over	time	with	both	methods.

       The	$10,000,	Ten-Hour	Marketing	and	Sex


      “In	the	future,	marketing	will	be	like	sex:	Only	the	losers	pay	for	it.”
This	 widely	 circulated	 statement	 first	 appeared	 in	 a	 December	 2010	 article	 in
Fast	 Company	 magazine.	 Guess	 what?	 The	 future	 is	 here.	 It	 may	 not	 be
completely	for	losers,	but	the	role	of	paid	advertising	in	marketing	has	long	since
changed.	 The	 vast	 majority	 of	 case-study	 subjects	 I	 talked	 with	 built	 their
customer	 base	 without	 any	 paid	 advertising	 at	 all;	 they	 did	 so	 largely	 through
word	of	mouth.

                                  The	One-Page	Promotion	Plan
Goal:	To	actively	and	effectively	recruit	new	prospects	to	your	business	without
getting	overwhelmed.


      	 Maintain	 a	 regular	 social	 media	 presence	 without	 getting	 sidetracked	 or
         overwhelmed.	 Post	 one	 to	 three	 helpful	 items,	 respond	 to	 questions,	 and
         touch	base	with	anyone	who	needs	help.

      	 Monitor	 one	 or	 two	 key	 metrics	 (no	 more!).	 Read	 more	 about	 this	 in
         Chapter	13.


      	 Ask	 for	 help	 or	 joint	 promotions	 from	 colleagues	 and	 make	 sure	 you	 are
         being	helpful	to	them	as	well.

      	Maintain	regular	communication	with	prospects	and	customers.
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