Page 148 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 148




                               “Money	is	better	than	poverty,
                              if	only	for	financial	reasons.”

                                                       —WOODY	ALLEN


Naomi	Dunford	was	a	teenage	mother	and	a	high-school	dropout.	By	the	time

she	 was	 pregnant	 with	 her	 second	 child,	 she	 was	 living	 in	 a	 homeless	 shelter.
After	making	it	out	of	the	shelter	by	working	odd	jobs,	Naomi	was	determined	to
improve	 her	 circumstances	 however	 she	 could.	 Despite	 the	 obvious
disadvantages—being	 a	 mom	 at	 age	 seventeen,	 leaving	 high	 school—she	 also
had	 a	 few	 things	 going	 for	 her.	 Her	 dad	 had	 built	 several	 businesses	 from
scratch,	 imparting	 knowledge	 and	 experience	 along	 the	 way.	 Her	 mom	 was	 a
marketer.	 And	 back	 in	 the	 day,	 her	 grandfather	 was	 in	 advertising.	 In	 other
words,	 marketing	 was	 in	 Naomi’s	 blood,	 so	 it	 wasn’t	 a	 huge	 stretch	 for	 her	 to
imagine	herself	in	a	different	life.

   Without	 sharing	 her	 background	 with	 potential	 customers	 at	 first,	 Naomi
opened	a	consulting	company	called	IttyBiz.	Tag	line:	“Marketing	for	businesses
without	 marketing	 departments.”	 Later	 she	 would	 add	 products,	 courses,	 and
referrals	 to	 other	 professionals,	 but	 Naomi	 started	 with	 a	 single	 consulting
service:	 the	 service	 of	 brainstorming.	 Over	 the	 course	 of	 an	 hour	 and	 for	 an
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