Page 144 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 144


      	 Connect	 with	 existing	 customers	 to	 make	 sure	 they	 are	 happy.	 (Ask:	 “Is
         there	anything	else	I	can	do	for	you?”)

      	Prepare	for	an	upcoming	event,	contest,	or	product	launch	(see	Chapter	8).


      	 Perform	 your	 own	 business	 audit	 (see	 Chapter	 12)	 to	 find	 missing
         opportunities	that	can	be	turned	into	active	projects.

      	 Ensure	 that	 you	 are	 regularly	 working	 toward	 building	 something
         significant,	not	just	reacting	to	things	as	they	appear.


   While	thinking	about	the	quote	and	drafting	this	chapter,	I	decided	to	conduct

an	 unscientific	 experiment	 to	 measure	 paid	 ads	 versus	 free	 hustling.	 Over	 the

course	of	a	month,	I	spent	$10,000	on	carefully	selected	ads	and	sponsorship	for

my	Travel	Hacking	Cartel	service.	I	also	spent	ten	hours	hustling,	writing	guest

posts,	 recruiting	 a	 joint	 venture	 with	 another	 service,	 touching	 base	 with

journalist	contacts,	and	so	on.	Here	are	the	results:


   Ad	Cost:	$10,000                			 vs. 			         Hustling	Cost:	10	Hours
   (+2	hours	of	setup)                                        Zero	Dollars

   Number	of	New	Customers:	78 			 	 			 Number	of	New	Customers:	84

Estimated	Value	of	New	Customers:  			  	  			         Estimated	Value	of	New
                  $7020                                   Customers:	$7560

                             Approximate	hour-per-hustle	value:	$756

   Do	we	have	a	clear	winner?	I	think	so,	but	with	a	couple	of	disclaimers.	First,
one	could	say	that	I	had	access	to	relationships	that	others	don’t	have	and	those
relationships	were	what	determined	the	high	hour-per-hustle	value.	This	may	be
partly	 true.	 However,	 the	 whole	 point	 of	 hustling	 is	 to	 put	 your	 relationships	 to
good	use,	whatever	they	are.	Not	everyone	may	be	able	to	earn	$756	per	hustling
hour.	 However,	 some	 situations	 could	 have	 produced	 an	 even	 higher	 hustling

   It	 is	 also	 true	 that	 hustling	 time	 is	 not	 unlimited.	 If	 I	 had	 $100,000	 to	 spend
instead	 of	 $10,000,	 the	 situation	 might	 indeed	 be	 different.	 Combining	 hustling
with	 paid	 advertising	 (again,	 carefully	 selected)	 could	 be	 a	 viable	 option	 for
some.	 The	 point	 is	 that	 hustling	 can	 take	 you	 far.	 When	 you’re	 thinking	 about
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