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paid	on	commission	only.	We	use	virtual	assistants	for	telephone	answering
      when	we	are	unavailable.	—Jonathan	Pincas	(read	more	about	Jonathan	in
      Chapter	14)

      We	contracted	with	an	outside	printer	to	make	our	first	run	of	maps,	and	it
      was	the	best	decision	we	have	ever	made.	Our	business	would	literally	not
      exist	 if	 we	 had	 tried	 to	 print	 the	 maps	 on	 our	 own.	 As	 demand	 has
      increased,	 our	 printers	 have	 been	 able	 to	 provide	 us	 with	 additional
      inventory.	 We	 never	 would	 have	 been	 able	 to	 print	 large	 quantities	 of
      posters	 while	 maintaining	 our	 full-time	 jobs	 and	 tending	 to	 a	 growing
      business.	We	are	also	happy	that	our	business	can	support	the	work	of	other
      artisans.	—Jen	Adrion	and	Omar	Noory	(read	more	about	Jen	and	Omar	in
      Chapter	6)
   These	 quotes	 are	 representative	 of	 others	 who	 have	 all	 said	 similar	 things:
Outsourcing	 increases	 freedom	 and	 allows	 a	 business	 to	 scale	 without	 the
owners	doing	everything	themselves.


The	 camp	 opposed	 to	 outsourcing	 can	 be	 represented	 with	 the	 following
statements	from	business	owners	who	believed	that	expansion	would	be	difficult,
undesirable,	or	otherwise	limiting	of	the	freedom	they	had	achieved	through	the

      I’m	at	the	point	where	I	need	to	find	a	way	to	grow	my	ability	to	respond	to
      customer	demand,	but	I	struggle	with	concerns	over	reputation	to	the	extent
      that	 I	 turn	 over	 bookings	 to	 employees	 or	 contractors.	 I’ve	 been	 offered
      partnerships,	but	I	turn	them	down	because	either	I	have	concerns	over	the
      quality	of	the	partner	or	because	the	partner	wants	a	referral	commission.	I
      could	 easily	 raise	 my	 price	 and	 provide	 the	 commission,	 but	 I	 know	 I
      wouldn’t	 be	 happy	 working	 for	 less.	 And	 thus	 I	 haven’t	 grown	 further,
      though	 I’m	 comfortable	 with	 that	 for	 now.	 —Gary	 Leff	 (read	more	about
      Gary	in	Chapter	3)

      I	actually	prefer	not	to	work	with	contractors,	employees,	or	assistants.	My
      business	 succeeds	 on	 the	 fact	 that	 it	 is	 intentionally	 small.	 I	 can	 fit	 my
      whole	 business	 into	 a	 backpack	 and	 take	 it	 wherever	 I	 go—no	 office,	 no
      stationery,	 no	 administrative	 staff.	 Keeping	 my	 overhead	 to	 zero	 has
      lowered	the	risks	and	kept	profits	high.	—Adam	Westbrook	(Adam	operates
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