Page 187 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 187

The	goal	for	each	of	the	outposts	is	to	support	the	work	of	the	home	base,	not

usually	the	outpost	itself.	It	can	be	a	trap	to	spend	too	much	time	with	any	of	the
outposts,	 because	 things	 change,	 some	 outposts	 become	 less	 popular	 over	 time.
You	 also	 own	 the	 content	 and	 work	 you	 create	 in	 the	 home	 base,	 whereas	 most
of	what	happens	in	an	outpost	is	“owned”	by	another	company.

                                       Disaster	and	Recovery:

                                            “STUCK	IN	MALI	AGAIN”	EDITION

As	 a	 full-time	 freelance	 photographer	 based	 in	 Accra,	 Ghana,	 Nyani	 Quarmyne
is	 no	 stranger	 to	 adventure.	 In	 West	 Africa,	 there	 are	 few	 laws	 that	 are	 widely
followed,	 especially	 when	 it	 comes	 to	 copyright	 and	 intellectual	 property.	 Most
of	 the	 time,	 everything	 works	 out—but	 not	 always.	 Here’s	 how	 Nyani	 tells	 the

When	 I	 was	 just	 starting	 out,	 I	 shot	 a	 couple	 of	 small	 jobs	 for	 a	 Ghanaian
creative	agency.	Shortly	thereafter	I	got	a	call	from	them	asking	if	I	could	do	an
urgent	shoot	for	a	new	client,	necessitating	travel	to	a	couple	of	countries	in	the
region.	 The	 deadline	 was	 really	 tight;	 it	 was	 a	 get-the-call-today-and-leave-in-
the-morning	 kind	 of	 thing,	 and	 even	 the	 details	 of	 exactly	 where	 we	 would	 be
going	remained	in	flux	until	the	last	minute.	Having	shot	for	the	agency	before,
they	 had	 seen	 and	 signed	 my	 contracts	 previously,	 and	 I	 made	 the	 mistake	 of
thinking	they	understood	how	I	work	and	the	basis	on	which	I	was	undertaking
this	job.	So	in	the	rush	I	omitted	to	get	the	paperwork	squared	away,	and	off	we
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