Page 64 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 64

                  IS	OVERRATED.


                                 “A	desk	is	a	dangerous	place
                             from	which	to	view	the	world.”

                                                      —JOHN	LE	CARRÉ


Packing	a	carry-on	bag	with	running	shoes	and	two	changes	of	clothes,	I	head

out	 into	 the	 world	 via	 a	 short	 connection	 from	 Portland	 to	 Vancouver
International	Airport.	Later	that	evening,	the	twelve-hour	Cathay	Pacific	flight	to
Hong	 Kong	 gives	 me	 two	 hours	 to	 watch	 a	 movie,	 six	 hours	 to	 sleep,	 and	 four
hours	to	write	emails.

   Arriving	 in	 Asia,	 I	 clear	 immigration	 (no	 bags	 to	 claim),	 check	 my	 wallet	 to
see	 if	 I	 still	 have	 local	 currency	 from	 the	 last	 trip	 here,	 and	 settle	 into	 a
concourse	chair	before	jumping	on	the	train	into	the	city.	I	flip	open	the	laptop,
connect	to	“HKG-Free-WiFi,”	and	log	onto	the	world.	Whoosh	…	out	go	all	the
emails	I	wrote	on	the	plane,	and	in	come	150	more	that	arrived	during	the	night.

   I	check	in	with	Reese,	my	designer,	about	a	project	we’ve	been	working	on.	I
answer	customer	support	requests—a	page	on	our	site	is	down,	someone	needs	a
login,	 and	 so	 on—and	 write	 a	 quick	 update	 to	 customers.	 I	 review	 reader
comments	 from	 my	 latest	 blog	 post	 and	 quickly	 check	 my	 daily	 list	 of	 email
signups,	 the	 only	 metric	 I	 monitor	 on	 a	 frequent	 basis.	 (If	 all’s	 going	 well	 with
new	subscribers,	everything	else	should	be	OK.)

   I	often	stay	in	guest	houses	and	hostels,	but	later	tonight	I	have	a	conference
call	scheduled	for	the	bleary	hour	of	2	a.m.—it’s	daytime	in	North	America—so
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