Page 167 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 167

—Mary	Pickford,	actress,	writer,	director,	and	producer

In	 other	 words,	 don’t	 expect	 to	 always	 be	 great.	 Disappointments,	 failures	 and
setbacks	 are	 a	 normal	 part	 of	 the	 lifecycle	 of	 a	 unit	 or	 a	 company	 and	 what	 the
leader	 has	 to	 do	 is	 constantly	 be	 up	 and	 say,	 “We	 have	 a	 problem,	 let’s	 go	 and
get	it.”

         —Colin	Powell,	US	Secretary	of	State	and	Chairman	of	the	Joint	Chiefs	of	Staff	

I	can	accept	failure;	everyone	fails	at	something.	But	I	cannot	accept	not	trying.

         —Michael	Jordan,	NBA	legend

To	avoid	failure	is	to	limit	accomplishment.

         —Will	 Rogers,	 American	 cowboy,	 vaudeville	 performer,	 humorist,	 newspaper	 columnist,	 social
            commentator,	and	stage	and	motion	picture	actor	

You	always	pass	failure	on	your	way	to	success.

         —Mickey	Rooney,	actor	and	comedian

Don’t	be	afraid	to	give	up	the	good	to	go	for	the	great.
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