Page 168 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 168

—John	 D.	 Rockefeller,	 industrialist,	 cofounder	 of	 Standard	 Oil	 Co.,	 and	 philanthropist	 The	 way	 I
            see	it,	if	you	want	the	rainbow,	you	gotta	put	up	with	the	rain.

         —Dolly	Parton,	country	singer

It	is	hard	to	fail,	but	it	is	worse	never	to	have	tried	to	succeed.

         —Theodore	Roosevelt,	US	president

Failure	 is	 so	 important.	 We	 speak	 about	 success	 all	 the	 time.	 It	 is	 the	 ability	 to
resist	 failure	 or	 use	 failure	 that	 often	 leads	 to	 greater	 success.	 I’ve	 met	 people
who	don’t	want	to	try	for	fear	of	failing.

         —J.	K.	Rowling,	Harry	Potter	author	I	like	to	fail.	I	have	had	so	many	failures	and	each	time	I	have
            failed,	I	have	figured	out	how	to	grow.

         —Michael	Rubin,	e-commerce	entrepreneur

When	 I	 was	 a	 young	 man	 I	 observed	 that	 nine	 out	 of	 ten	 things	 I	 did	 were
failures.	I	didn’t	want	to	be	a	failure,	so	I	did	ten	times	more	work.

         —George	Bernard	Shaw,	Irish	playwright,	critic,	and	polemicist
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