Page 173 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 173

Everyone	is	your	best	friend	when	you	are	successful.	Make	sure	that	the	people
that	 you	 surround	 yourself	 with	 are	 also	 the	 people	 that	 you	 are	 not	 afraid	 of
failing	with.

         —Paula	Abdul,	singer-songwriter

Edison	 failed	 10,000	 times	 before	 he	 made	 the	 electric	 light.	 Do	 not	 be
discouraged	if	you	fail	a	few	times.

         —Napoleon	 Hill,	 pioneer	 of	 the	 modern	 genre	 of	 personal	 success	 I	 have	 heard	 many	 men	 talk
            intelligently,	even	brilliantly	about	something—only	to	see	them	proven	powerless	when	it	comes
            to	acting	on	what	they	believe.

         —Bernard	Baruch,	financier,	stock	investor,	philanthropist,	and	statesman	

I	 didn’t	 think	 I’d	 regret	 trying	 and	 failing….	 I	 suspected	 I	 would	 always	 be
haunted	by	a	decision	to	not	try	at	all.

         —Jeff	Bezos,	founder	of

It’s	very	important	to	take	risks.	I	think	that	research	is	very	important,	but	in	the
end	you	have	to	work	from	your	instinct	and	feeling	and	take	those	risks	and	be
fearless.	When	I	hear	a	company	is	being	run	by	a	team,	my	heart	sinks,	because
you	 need	 to	 have	 that	 leader	 with	 a	 vision	 and	 heart	 that	 can	 move	 things

         —Anna	Wintour,	Vogue	magazine	editor	There	are	no	rules.	You	don’t	learn	to	walk	by	following
            rules.	You	learn	by	doing,	and	by	falling	over,	and	it’s	because	you	fall	over	that	you	learn	to	save
            yourself	from	falling	over.
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