Page 170 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 170

Many	 people	 fail	 in	 life,	 not	 for	 lack	 of	 ability	 or	 brains	 or	 even	 courage	 but
simply	because	they	have	never	organized	their	energies	around	a	goal.

         —Elbert	Hubbard,	writer,	publisher,	artist,	and	philosopher

Remember	 the	 two	 benefits	 of	 failure.	 First,	 if	 you	 do	 fail,	 you	 learn	 what
doesn’t	 work;	 and	 second,	 the	 failure	 gives	 you	 the	 opportunity	 to	 try	 a	 new

         —Roger	Von	Oech,	speaker,	author,	and	toy	maker

Failure	should	be	our	teacher,	not	our	undertaker.	Failure	is	delay,	not	defeat.	It
is	a	temporary	detour,	not	a	dead	end.	Failure	is	something	we	can	avoid	only	by
saying	nothing,	doing	nothing,	and	being	nothing.

         —Denis	Waitley,	motivational	speaker,	writer,	and	consultant

Success	has	many	fathers	but	failure	is	an	orphan.

         —John	F.	Kennedy,	US	president

I’ve	learned	that	mistakes	can	often	be	as	good	a	teacher	as	success.

         —Jack	Welch,	chairman	and	CEO	of	GE
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