Page 204 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 204

There	is	no	security	on	the	earth,	there	is	only	opportunity.

         —Gen.	Douglas	MacArthur,	US	military	leader

I’m	 a	 catalyst	 for	 change.	 You	 can’t	 be	 an	 outsider	 and	 be	 successful	 over	 30
years	without	leaving	a	certain	amount	of	scar	tissue	around	the	place.

         —Rupert	Murdoch,	media	mogul

If	 you	 think	 of	 [opportunity]	 in	 terms	 of	 Gold	 Rush,	 then	 you’d	 be	 pretty
depressed	right	now	because	the	last	nugget	of	gold	would	be	gone.	But	the	good
thing	 is,	 with	 innovation,	 there	 isn’t	 a	 last	 nugget.	 Every	 new	 thing	 creates	 two
new	questions	and	two	new	opportunities.

         —Jeff	Bezos,	founder	of

Life	is	a	series	of	natural	and	spontaneous	changes.	Don’t	resist	them;	that	only
creates	 sorrow.	 Let	 reality	 be	 reality.	 Let	 things	 flow	 naturally	 forward	 in
whatever	way	they	like.

         —Lao	Tzu,	philosopher	and	writer
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