Page 207 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 207


   Work	hard,	get	ahead.	Be	smart	about	how	you	work.	Value	your	time.	Know
how	 to	 start	 and	 when	 to	 finish.	 Today’s	 workers	 face	 numerous	 challenges	 to
productivity—the	 least	 of	 which	 is	 technology,	 which	 can	 distract	 them	 as	 well
as	 propel	 them	 forward.	 Managers	 face	 similar	 challenges	 in	 terms	 of	 the
productivity	of	their	employees.	Learn	from	the	people	below	how	to	get	moving
and	stay	productive.


I’m	 not	 into	 fame.	 I’m	 not	 into	 making	 money,	 outside	 of	 financing	 my	 books.
I’m	not	into	status.	My	thing	is	basically	about	time—not	wasting	it.

         —Henry	Rollins,	musician,	actor,	television	and	radio	host,	and	comedian	

You	are	not	your	resume,	you	are	your	work.

         —Seth	Godin,	author,	entrepreneur,	and	public	speaker
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