Page 211 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
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idleness,	 no	 laziness,	 no	 procrastination.	 Never	 put	 off	 till	 tomorrow	 what	 you
can	do	today.

         —Lord	Chesterfield	Stanhope,	British	statesman	and	man	of	letters	Putting	off	an	easy	thing	makes
            it	hard.	Putting	off	a	hard	thing	makes	it	impossible.

         —George	Claude	Lorimer,	pastor

Authority—when	 abused	 through	 micromanagement,	 intimidation,	 or	 verbal	 or
nonverbal	threats—makes	people	shut	down	and	productivity	ceases.

         —John	Stoker,	author

The	simple	act	of	paying	positive	attention	to	people	has	a	great	deal	to	do	with

         —Tom	Peters,	author	and	business	management	expert

…	If	you’re	not	getting	told	“no”	enough	times	a	day,	you’re	probably	not	doing
it	right	or	you’re	probably	not	pushing	yourself	hard	enough.

         —Shafqat	Islam,	CEO	of	NewsCred
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