Page 212 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 212
I enjoy writing, I enjoy my house, my family and, more than anything I enjoy the
feeling of seeing each day used to the full to actually produce something. The
—Michael Palin, English comedian, actor, and writer
Just Redo It.
—Peter J. Patsula, founder of Patsula Media and author
Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.
—Johann Von Goethe, German writer and statesman
Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest
minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest
thunder-bolt is elicited from the darkest storm.
—Charles Caleb Colton, English cleric, writer, and collector
Why do anything unless it is going to be great?
—Peter Block, author and business consultant