Page 217 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 217

Productivity	is	being	able	to	do	things	that	you	were	never	able	to	do	before.

         —Franz	Kafka,	novelist	and	short	story	writer

We	just	have	to	go	at	100	miles	an	hour	in	all	our	businesses,	be	they	television
broadcasting,	 be	 they	 magazine	 publishing,	 be	 they	 subscription	 television,	 be
they	online,	be	they	gaming.	We	just	have	to	go	at	one	hundred	miles	an	hour.

         —James	Parker,	contributing	editor,	Atlantic	magazine

Take	 time	 to	 stop	 and	 re-focus	 your	 priorities	 as	 often	 as	 needed.	 Intelligent
thinking,	 combined	 with	 the	 right	 action,	 will	 get	 your	 productivity	 to	 a	 level
few	attain.

         —Peter	Voogd,	media	entrepreneur	and	author

Procrastination	 is	 the	 fear	 of	 success.	 People	 procrastinate	 because	 they	 are
afraid	of	the	success	that	they	know	will	result	if	they	move	ahead	now.	Because
success	is	heavy,	carries	a	responsibility	with	it,	it	is	much	easier	to	procrastinate
and	live	on	the	“someday	I’ll”	philosophy.

         —Denis	Waitley,	motivational	speaker,	writer,	and	consultant	Multitasking	is	a	lie.
         —Gary	Keller,	author
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