Page 214 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 214

Youth	 is	 an	 unpleasant	 period;	 for	 then	 it	 is	 not	 possible	 or	 not	 prudent	 to	 be
productive	in	any	sense	whatsoever.

         —Friedrich	Nietzsche,	German	philosopher,	cultural	critic,	and	poet	Resist	the	short	term	temptation
            of	procrastination;	the	immediate	pleasure	and	relief	that	it	brings	does	not	fare	in	comparison	to
            the	long	lasting	damage	it	does	to	your	dreams	and	goals.

         —Noel	DeJesus,	author	(from	his	book	44	Day	of	Leadership,	2013)	

Work	 is	 a	 process,	 and	 any	 process	 needs	 to	 be	 controlled.	 To	 make	 work
productive,	therefore,	requires	building	the	appropriate	controls	into	the	process
of	work.

         —Peter	F.	Drucker,	management	consultant,	educator,	and	author	

Don’t	interpret	anything	too	much.	This	is	time	waster	Number	1.

         —Dee	Dee	Artner,	author	and	behavioral	expert

If	 you	 had	 to	 identify,	 in	 one	 word,	 the	 reason	 why	 the	 human	 race	 has	 not
achieved,	 and	 never	 will	 achieve,	 its	 full	 potential,	 that	 word	 would	 be

         —Dave	Barry,	author	and	columnist

Anyone	can	do	any	amount	of	work,	provided	it	isn’t	the	work	he	is	supposed	to
be	doing	at	that	moment.

         —Robert	Benchley,	author
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