Page 205 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 205

People	always	fear	change.	People	feared	electricity	when	it	was	invented,	didn’t
they?	People	feared	coal,	they	feared	gas-powered	engines….	There	will	always
be	 ignorance,	 and	 ignorance	 leads	 to	 fear.	 But	 with	 time,	 people	 will	 come	 to
accept	their	silicon	masters.

         —Bill	Gates,	cofounder	of	Microsoft	and	philanthropist

Man	 is	 emotional,	 and	 quickly	 carried	 forward	 upon	 waves	 of	 popular
excitement;	 and	 it	 is	 these	 great	 tidal	 waves	 of	 emotion	 that	 mark	 the
revolutionary	changes	throughout	history.

         —King	Gillette,	founder	of	Gillette	Safety	Razor	Co.

Opportunity	 +	 Preparation	 =	 Luck….	 People	 see	 other’s	 successes	 and	 they
think,	oh,	they’re	just	lucky.	Nobody	is	ever	lucky,	trust	me.	Sure,	things	happen
to	 people.	 There’s	 stories	 everywhere	 of	 people	 who’ve	 been	 toiling	 away	 and
all	of	a	sudden,	they	get	the	dream	job	they’ve	always	wanted;	or	their	business
idea	 suddenly	 takes	 off	 and	 they	 make	 millions.	 We	 look	 at	 that	 and	 think,
they’re	lucky.	No	honey,	they’re	not	lucky.	They	were	prepared.

         —As	told	to	Betty	Liu	by	her	television	coach

It	is	not	the	strongest	of	the	species	that	survive,	nor	the	most	intelligent,	but	the
one	most	responsive	to	change.

         —Charles	Darwin,	developer	of	the	theory	of	evolution
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