Page 233 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 233
Teamwork and Leadership
That “two heads are better than one”—in a word, teamwork—often is the
most difficult concept to drill into the collective head of a labor force. Just ask
any business owner or manager. The task entails convincing individuals to
subordinate personal ambition, something that seems to be extremely
counterintuitive in today’s super-competitive, what’s-in-it-for-me economy. The
idea of teamwork is anathema even to team occupations. The professional
football, basketball, or baseball player who doesn’t secretly (or not so secretly)
hope to be his or her team’s standout performer may not exist. Anyone tasked
with cobbling individual workers into perfect alignment needs to tout the virtues
of teamwork—and display attributes of leadership at the same time.
No manager can have too much knowledge about a business or those who work
for him….
—Nick Lyons, teacher, writer, and publisher