Page 237 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 237

With	 our	 technology,	 with	 objects,	 literally	 three	 people	 in	 a	 garage	 can	 blow
away	 what	 200	 people	 at	 Microsoft	 can	 do.	 Literally	 can	 blow	 it	 away.
Corporate	 America	 has	 a	 need	 that	 is	 so	 huge	 and	 can	 save	 them	 so	 much
money,	or	make	them	so	much	money,	or	cost	them	so	much	money	if	they	miss
it,	that	they	are	going	to	fuel	the	object	revolution.

         —Steve	Jobs,	cofounder	of	Apple	and	Pixar	Animation

I	 am	 especially	 thankful	 that	 I	 learned	 early	 to	 take	 an	 interest	 in	 other	 fields
than	 business,	 so	 when	 I	 was	 able	 to	 shift	 more	 and	 more	 active	 business	 cares
from	 my	 shoulders	 to	 those	 of	 other	 men	 I	 could	 do	 so	 without	 regret	 for	 I	 had
other	 fields	 of	 activity	 awaiting	 my	 attention	 which	 have	 proved	 of	 absorbing

         —John	D.	Rockefeller,	industrialist,	cofounder	of	Standard	Oil	Co.,	and	philanthropist	

I	 asked	 the	 CEO	 of	 Time	 Warner,	 “What	 is	 the	 skill	 that	 is	 most	 valuable	 in
business	 that	 doesn’t	 get	 taught	 in	 the	 classroom?”	 He	 said	 teamwork.	 Making
people	 want	 to	 work	 with	 you.	 That	 explains	 why	 some	 people	 get	 promotions,
or	funding,	etc.	And	other	people	don’t.

         —Fareed	Zakaria,	CNN	host	and	New	York	Times	bestselling	author	

My	 quest	 to	 find,	 and	 be	 surrounded	 by,	 smart	 people	 is	 what	 brought	 me	 to

         —Marissa	Mayer,	CEO	of	Yahoo!

In	business	for	yourself,	not	by	yourself.
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