Page 234 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 234

Really	 in	 technology,	 it’s	 about	 the	 people,	 retaining	 them,	 nurturing	 a	 creative
environment	and	helping	to	find	a	way	to	innovate.

         —Marissa	Mayer,	CEO	of	Yahoo!

Any	great	building	will	never	stand	if	you	neglect	the	small	bricks.

         —Ifeanyi	 Enoch	 Onuoha,	 author,	 inspirational	 speaker,	 and	 life	 coach	 The	 reaction	 of	 weak
            management	to	weak	operations	is	often	weak	accounting.

         —Warren	Buffett,	legendary	investor	and	CEO	of	Berkshire	Hathaway	

Every	 company	 has	 two	 organizational	 structures:	 The	 formal	 one	 is	 written	 on
the	charts;	 the	 other	 is	 the	 everyday	 relationship	 of	 the	 men	 and	 women	 in	the

         —Harold	S.	Geneen,	chairman	of	ITT	Corp.

Fewer	employees	will	be	loyal	to	a	firm	than	will	be	loyal	to	a	specific	manager.

         —Nick	Lyons,	teacher,	writer,	and	publisher

I’ve	 been	 convinced	 my	 entire	 business	 career,	 that	 I	 need	 my	 employees	 more
than	they	need	me.

         —Steve	Wynn,	casino	owner
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