Page 198 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 198


92 Offering free delivery may give you the
     competitive edge

One of the critical factors in running a successful business
is defining what makes you different from your competi-
tion. This is discussed in detail in the introduction of this
book and it is the basic fundamental principle of a good

    In this high-pressure, fast world, time is critical. If you
can offer a customer free pick up or free drop off or both
then you will have an advantage. Takeaway restaurants have
learned the value of free delivery very quickly and in many
cases consumers are more than happy to pay a few dollars
extra to offset the costs. It is quick, it is convenient and it
is easy.

    Why should pizza shops be the only businesses to
benefit from free delivery? Perhaps your business would
benefit by offering this service. Exactly how much will it
cost your business to offer free pick up or delivery? Couriers
do local deliveries for only a few dollars each way. If you
can absorb the costs, why not try it?

    Imagine if there are two electrical appliance companies
in the phone book. One offers free pick up and the other
does not. Which one would you use? Imagine if you were
an elderly person who found it difficult to get out, let alone
carry the toaster to the repair shop. Imagine a vet that
offered a free pick up and delivery service or a bait shop
that delivered your prawns while you got the boat ready.

    Like any extra service, it is only a benefit if you tell
your customers that you offer it. Include your free delivery
in all of your advertising and promotional material.

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