Page 199 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 199


93 Have ongoing quality SALES

A phenomenon you may have noticed about some busi-
nesses is that they seem to always be having a special of
some sort. They are closing down, they are having a
birthday, they are moving, they are stocktaking and so on.
Their year is really one big sale.

    I am not suggesting this is the way you should run your
business marketing activity, but I am suggesting that sales
are a part of life and consumers not only like them but
they expect them. All businesses can have specials and all
businesses should have specials because they make custom-
ers feel lucky and they tend to buy more. Everyone enjoys
a bargain and those businesses that are prepared to offer
good deals tend to win. It is also the perfect way to move
old stock.

    A clever menswear shop in our local shopping centre
always has two huge sales bins at the front of the shop.
Most of the menswear stocked in the store is expensive but
the discount bins are great buys and generally very good
quality. The philosophy of the store owners is that the
discount bins will bring people into the shop and get them
into the buying mood. If they find a bargain, great; they
may be happy to purchase another item at full price.

    An important point to make here is that sales should
be genuine sales—not just junk. Don’t try and fool cus-
tomers by off-loading trash as they will see through this
tacky promotion.

    Once again, look at the corporate giants—sale, sale,
sale. Special offer after special offer. It always looks like
they are coming up with a new promotion or idea.

    If you don’t currently have regular sales, perhaps you
should start planning them. This week’s special, this month’s
special etc. Like all promotions, there is no advantage to
have ongoing sales if you don’t tell your customers—so save
some money for advertising.

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