Page 82 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 82


22 Enjoy the benefits of ‘brainstorming’

If you want an influx of ideas about what you need to do
to increase your business have a brainstorming session. A
friend of mine rang me recently inviting me to lunch. She
mentioned that there were a few people coming along and
she was hoping to generate a few ideas regarding a Lifestyle
Expo she was in the midst of planning. As it was a free
lunch, how could I say no?

    I turned up to a tasteful and quiet restaurant. There
were ten people there; most of them I knew but some I
did not. There were salespeople, managers, consultants and
a few other mixed professions. My friend began the lunch
explaining why she had invited everyone there, explaining
some of the problems she was experiencing and asking for
ideas that would help her Expo to be a success.

    The lunch lasted for two hours. My friend left with a
list of 44 excellent ideas that would help make the Expo a
success. Lunch cost about $300 so for a few hundred dollars
and two hours of her time she had a business plan full of
fresh ideas donated by professional, intelligent business

    Perhaps you could do the same thing. A slight variation
to this theme is to get ten people together every month
and take it in turns brainstorming one business per month.
Your turn will come up and, in exchange for giving your
time and energy to helping other people solve their business
problems, you may solve yours. Every brainstorming session
will provide great ideas that can generally be applied to any
business, so even if it isn’t your turn you may well pick up
a few ideas that will help.

    By the way, the Expo was held and it was a success.

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