Page 113 - 100 Great Marketing Ideas (100 Great Ideas)
P. 113

From the viewpoint of the restaurants and bars, being associated
with Tate Modern was in itself prestigious: having the gallery
supply them with free disposables also helped their bottom line. At
the same time, getting the brand across in a novel and interesting
way to 6 million coffee drinkers was achieved at a relatively low
cost—this sophisticated audience would be difficult to reach in any
conventional way.

In practice

• It is absolutely essential to begin by identifying your “typical”

    target customer—which other goods and services they buy,
    where they like to go on vacation, which magazines they read,
    and so forth. Be as detailed as possible.

• Find a giveaway that helps your allies either to sell more

    themselves or to save money.

• This idea works best if your allies can see an advantage in being

    allied to you.

• Be careful in your choice of allies—be sure that they will use

    your branded products effectively and in a way that enhances
    your status.

• Be very clear with your allies about how the partnership will

    work—what are the boundaries?

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