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Black Fox Magazine. 425 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. $2.00 a year. (Mo.)
Field and Stream. 515 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. $1.50 a year. (Mo.)
Fur-Fish-Game. 174 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio. $1.50 a year. (Mo.) Fur
Trade Review. 370 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. $3.00 a year. (Wkly)
Game Breeder and Sportsman. 205 E.42nd St., New York, N. Y. $2.00 a
year. (Mo.)
Hunting and Fishing Magazine. 275 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. 50 cents a
year. (Mo.)
National Fur News. 444 17th St., Denver, Colo. $1.00 a year. (Mo.)
Rod and Gun in Canada. Sun Life Bldg., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. $1.00 a
year. (Mo.)
Small Stock Magazine. Lamont, Ia. $1.00 a year. (Mo.)
Government Publications:
Home Tanning of Leather and Small Fur Skins . Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1334.
5 cents.
Hygiene in Fox Farming. Agriculture Leaflet No. 47. 5 cents.
Mink Raising. Agriculture Leaflet No.8. 5 cents.
Rabbit Production. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1730. 5 cents.
Rabbit Parasites and Diseases. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1568. 5 cents.
Recommendations for Beginners in Fur Farming. Agriculture Leaflet No. 27.
5 cents.
Books and Pamphlets:
American National Fox Breeders’ Association Year Book of the Silver Fox
and Fur Farming Industries. Pub. by the assoc. 424 McKnight Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn. 25 cents.
Angora Wool Rabbit , by E. B. Carhart. Pub. by the author, Bellingham,
Wash., 1930. $1.25.
Fur Farming for Profit, by F. G. Ashbrook. rev. ed. Orange Judd. $3.00.
Fur Rabbits, by M. W. Meek, 2nd ed. Southland Pub. House, Inc., 308
Crocker St., Los Angeles, Calif., 1927. $2.00.
Hunter and Trapper, by H. Trasher. Orange Judd. $1.00.