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breeder or the pet shop dealer) Periodicals:
American Field. 222 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. $5.00 a year. (Wkly)
American Kennel Gazette. 221 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. $4.00 a year.

Country Life. 1270 6th Ave., New York, N. Y. $5.00 a year. (Mo.) Dog
News. Third and Walnut Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. $2.00 a year. (Mo.) Dog
World. 3223 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. $2.00 a year. (Mo.) Dogdom.
John W. Bailey Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. $2.00 a year. (Mo.) Fur-Fish-
Game. 174 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio. $1.50 a year. (Mo.) Game Breeder
and Sportsman. 205 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. $1.50 a

year. (Mo.)
Harper’s Bazaar. 572 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. $5.00 a year. (Mo.)
Hunting and Fishing Magazine. 275 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. 50

cents a year. (Mo.)
Outdoorsman. 386 S. Fourth St., Columbus, Ohio. $1.50 a year. (Mo.) Sports
Afield. Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. $1.00 a year. (Mo.) Spur, The. 515
Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. $4.00 a year. (Mo.) Town and Country. 572
Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. $5.00 a year.

Government Publications:
Breeds of Dogs. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1491. 5 cents.
Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Dogs. rev. 1934. 35 pages. Agriculture
Department Circular No. 338. 5 cents.
Books and Pamphlets:
Bob Becker’s Pet Book, by Robert Becker. McClurg, 1938. $1.50. Care and
Handling Of Dogs, by J. L. Leonard. Garden City Pub. Co., 14 W.

49th St., New York, N. Y., 1933. $1.00.
Complete Dog Book, by the American Kennel Club. rev. ed. Blue Ribbon
Books, 1938. $1.89.
Dr. Little’s Dog Book, by G. W. Little. rev. ed. McBride, 1934. $3.00. Dog
Encyclopedia, by W. L. Judy. 2nd ed. Judy, 1936. $5.00. Dog in Training, by
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