Page 458 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 458
Boston Cooking School Cook Book, by Fannie M. Farmer. Little, Brown,
1933. $2.50.
Camp Catering, by L. Hildebrand. Daye, 1938. $1.25.
Candy and Candy Making, by M. B. Bookmeyer. Manual Arts, 1929. $2.00.
Century Cook Book, by Mary Ronald. Appleton. $2.50.
Choice Candy Recipes, by L. G. Allen. Little, Brown, 1930. $2.00.
Cooking for Profit, by A. Bradley. rev. 3rd ed. American School of Home
Economics, 850 E. 58th St., Chicago, Ill., 1933. $2.50.
French Home Cooking, by Claire dePratz. Dutton. $2.50.
Good Cooking Made Easy and Economical, by Marjorie Heseltine and U. M.
Dow. Houghton Mifflin. $2.50.
How to Prepare Food for Children, by P. P. Holt. Parker, Stone & Baird Co.,
241 E. 4th St., Los Angeles, Calif., 1932. $1.25.
Party Menus and Recipes, by M. Hewett. Holt, 1939. $1.50.
Plain Sailing Cook Book, by S. S. Browne. Scribner. $1.50.
Practical Candy Making; Delicious Candies for Home or Shop. Stokes, 1929.
Quantity Cookery, by L. Richards and N. Treat. rev. ed. Little, Brown,
Recipes and Menus for Fifty. rev. ed. Barrows, 1937. $2.00.
Savarin Cook Book, by B. Allevi. Harper. $4.00.
Science and Practice of Confectionery, by D. Ellis and D. Campbell.
Longmans, 1928. $2.00.
Settlement Cook Book, by Mrs. Simon Kander. 20th ed. Settlement Cook
Book Co., 715 N. Van Buren St., Milwaukee, Wis., 1934. $2.50.
Seven Hundred Sandwiches, by F. A. Cowles. Little, Brown, 1928. $1.75.
Successful Canning and Preserving, by O. M. P. Malcolm. Lippincott, 1930.
Three Hundred “American Home” Recipes and Menus. “The American
Home.” New York, N. Y. 40 cents.
Yankee Cook Book, by Imogene Wolcott. Coward, McCann, 1939. $2.50.
cattle or goat dairyman) Periodicals:
Ayrshire Digest . Brandon, Vt. $1.50 a year. (Mo.)